Management system diagnostics

Powerful consultancy tool to collect necessary business information and data for ineffective processes and opportunities for improvement

Actually, HEIC consultants use management system diagnostic almost in every consulting project to identify the exact status of management processes and business activities and how they align with management standards requirements.

Genuine management system diagnostic is a prerequisite for our consulting excellence, and this should add value to Customers’ business improvement

Management System Diagnostic Framework Used

Initial diagnostics of all management processes and their relationship. Proper usage of KPIs.

Setting for achievement of SMART objectives and targets.

Monitoring, measurement and performance evaluation

Benefits of management system diagnostics

Clear picture of the business environment and process

Organisational structure and map of all business processes. Identification of all gaps and areas for improvement. Estimation of existing processes KPIs and if necessary setting new ones.


Identification of the level of business environment flexibility to apply innovations.


Extensive expertise in different areas – Quality, Information security and Privacy information protection, Cybersecurity